EpsilonTheatrics.com is currently under construction...

The following information may not reflect the most recent information until after development concludes.

EpsilonTheatrics is small theater tech startup created by Finlay Christ. We are in the process of developing two main peices of software. PowerCues which is a theater control program capable of controlling lights over DMX using various usb to DMX controllers including the ETC Gadget II and any open DMX enabled controller. And EZPatch an IOS/Android app for easily inputting patching information on your phone and then sending it to PowerCues.

Development Update 2/4/2024: Project is still in active development but funding is tight and DMX hardware is expensive. Development will continue more officially when I can afford an ETC Nomad.

For buisness inquires please contact: EpsilonTheatrics@gmail.com